Welcome to Ray Of Hope Ministry Trust (ROHMT) website.
Ray of Hope Ministry Trust is a non-profit, benevolent ministry involved in communicating life changing power of Jesus Christ in our community and at large. We hope that this Ministry will be able to provide you with the opportunity to fellowship with people, find the true purpose of your life, know why God has created you, and work for Him in rescuing the perishing souls for eternity and care for the dying.
Ray of Hope Ministry Trust has been established as the response to the call from God to take the good news to the remotest, support believers, organize the Church building, and come alongside the local evangelists, pastors in their efforts to spread the Gospel.
ROHMT has the strong conviction that Gospel is the only solution to their physical and spiritual problems. Therefore, all the efforts that ROHMT does through Prayer, Training, and Evangelization is the step of faith aiming and believing the transformation into Christ likeness by the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. ROHMT aim is to glorify the God alone and work for His Kingdom establishment. You can Pray, Partner or Support to bring His kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
Please feel free to visit our entire site for more information. In addition, we expect your valuable comments and reviews that support our vision and mission.

BTCP Graduates

Basic Computer Training

After School Tutorial
Outreach Ministry

Bible Training Centers

Help during COVID

Ratnapur Parsonage

Kaplapur Village Church
Shahpur Gate Church

Nagapur Church Project

Church Construction at KC Village

Supporting Lay Preachers
Church Construction Support

Short Term Mission Trip to India
Sponsor Students to Theology College
Helping aged Christians in Villages
Christmas Gifts to Girls Hostel Kids

Youth Ministry

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Sports Camp for Students
Sunday School Ministry